Two are dead one seriously injured in connection to a vehicle wreck Saturday evening in Dunklin County.
A spokesperson with Missouri State Highway Patrol tells KWOC News, 68 year old John Abbott, of Clarkton, was travelling south on Highway 25, ran off the roadway, and struck a tree. The two passengers, 50 year old Doug Pruitt and a 13 year old, also of Clarkton, were both flown to a Memphis hospital, where they both were pronounced dead.
The Highway Patrol says none of the occupants in the vehicle were wearing safety devices.
TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR UPCOMING CHINESE CIRCUS AND ACROBATS SHOW Tickets are available for an upcoming show at the Tinnin Fine Arts Center.
The National Circus Acrobats of The People's Republic of China will be bringing their award-winning acts such as "Global Motorcycling," "Kicking Bowls to Heads on High Unicycles," and "Aerial Bungee Tumblings," to Poplar Bluff on December 17th at 7 pm.
Tickets are available for $10 each at the Three Rivers College Financial Services office and online at
BUTLER COUNTY TORNADO SIRENS TO BE TESTED TODAY Authorities in Butler County will be testing the tornado sirens today.
According to Butler County Emergency Management Director Robbie Myers, the sirens are scheduled to be tested today at noon.
Myers says that the tests will be conducted every month on the first Monday.
LITTLE ROCK MAN ARRESTGED OVER THE WEEKEND ON SEVERAL DRUG CHARGES IN WAYNE COUNTY A North Little Rock man is facing several drug charges following his arrest, Saturday evening in Wayne County.
According to the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department, 33 year old Terrance Henry was arrested, on a felony charge of possession of a controlled substance – methamphetamine.
Henry is also being charged with possession of marijuana along with unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.
POPLAR BLUFF KIWANIS CLUB ACCEPTING PAJAMAS DONATIONS FOR CHILDREN The annual Pajama Rama donation drive is underway in Poplar Bluff.
The Poplar Bluff Kiwanis Club is accepting new pajamas for kids up to 17 years old. The Club will be distributing the pajamas to children in foster care and those who otherwise might not have any pajamas this winter.
You can drop off a set of new pajamas at River Radio, Whitworth Gift Chest Jewelers, and Southern Bank. Pajama Rama is scheduled to run through January 15th.
SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS TO RETURN TO PALACE OF PRAISE CHURCH The sounds of Christmas will be returning to the Palace of Praise church in Poplar Bluff beginning on Sunday.
The Sounds of Christmas is an original production written and produced by the Palace of Praise and performed by members of the church.
There will be four nightly performances beginning at 7 pm on December 13th through the 16th. Admission to the show is free. For more information, call 573-785-4232.
POPLAR BLUFF HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB TO PRESENT SHAKESPEARE’S COMEDY OF ERRORS The Poplar Bluff High School Drama Club will be presenting one of Shakespeare’s classic plays this weekend.
Performances of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors will be held at the Kay Porter Theatre Friday and Saturday. Performances will begin at 7 pm both days, with an additional 2 pm show on Saturday.
General admission for the performances will cost $4.